Sunday, August 31, 2008

What is a Corporate Code Monkey? And why the f**k is there a blog about it?

Defining a corporate code monkey is quite simple actually. All of those programmers out there know exactly what a code monkey is. And let me tell you, it can be as annoying as hell to be a code monkey. But honestly, I think it's impossible to describe what a code monkey is as well as Jonathan Coulton's song puts it. Listening to that will really give you some useful insights into the meaning of "code monkey".

When someone needs something coded, or a web page created, or anything even slightly related to computers, who do they call? I'll give you a hint - it's not the freakin' ghost busters. No, they call one of the elite Code Monkey's of the world. Code monkey's are people who are adept at writing code, and usually do it for a living, and because of this are often sought out by not-so-technically savvy people.

Now I am proud to say, I'm not quite a code monkey yet. If you get down to the basics, however, it's only because I haven't graduated from high school yet. Then I'll have some time in college before becoming a true code monkey. But even now, I can feel the pain of the title. I can't count the number of times people have come up to me asking me how to do things on their computer!! And it's not that I mind necessarily, but come on folks. I have a life. I can't fix every freakin problem your pc encounters. Crashing because of a virus? Stop watching porn. problem solved. Admin problems? Get the hell off of Vista and get a real OS.

The point of this blog is mainly for me to vent my frustrations. While many of the frustrations will be targeted towards technology, it's shortcomings, and the ignorance of its users, some of my ramblings will be just bitching about society in general. I need a place to vent, and this is it.

Welcome to an inside peek of the life and thoughts of a code monkey.